Ingrid BSN and more

Ingrid has a Bachelor of Science degree in Nursing from UVM and is currently working toward her AGNP. She went back to school for her BSN because she felt there was so much more to learn about nursing than she had been exposed to in her Associate’s program. Ingrid works in the OR at the University of Vermont Medical Center in Burlington, Vermont. She is so happy with her current position, she wouldn’t change a thing!


When Ingrid went back to school for her Bachelor’s, UVM didn’t offer as many online courses as they do today, and it was really tough to balance her family life with work and school. With a child at home and a full-time job, she accepted that every free moment would have to be dedicated to school. Ingrid is grateful for the education reimbursement she receives from her employer, but relies on student loans to make up the difference.


Ingrid finds online courses offer important flexibility and suit her self-directed learning style. Prior to becoming a nurse, she worked in hotel management. Ingrid loves the variation in daily tasks and the adrenaline rush of nursing, and sees herself staying in the nursing profession until she retires.


Ingrid encourages students and nurses to become active in the political process to help influence policy decisions. By taking a greater role in primary care delivery, she sees nurses as having the potential to significantly decrease healthcare costs even while improving outcomes. She believes getting a Bachelor’s degree is good preparation for becoming more politically involved as well as improving quality of healthcare overall.